A purchasing Letter of Intent template can be found below for the generator systems detailed at bannonmaher.com. Signed letters will be shared with potential investors to raise money to produce the generators. Ideally this would be provided on organizational letterhead. Please make appropriate changes and email bannonmaher@bannonmaher.com for the best mailing address to send the letter. There is no need to spend more than 15 minutes on this. It's more important to have now than to be perfect. I will greatly appreciate your support, and I expect you support will be providing a service to all the world. - Jonathan Bannon Maher To whom it may concern, I am [Title] at [Organization]. [Optional sentence covering relevant personal background, for example: "I have been in the energy industry for 17 years and have an engineering degree"]. [Optional sentence containing relevant company background, for example: "Our organization has roughly 1 million customers, revenues of $1 billion per year, and purchases $100 million per year in new electricity production capacity"]. I have reviewed Jonathan Bannon Maher's generator systems. If a functional generator unit is produced, and it provides a dramatic reduction in the cost of producing electricity, I intend for our company to purchase[ optional: ", on an annual basis, "] $x million of the generator units from Bannon Maher Corporation. Sincerely, [Full Name] [Title] [Company]